Friday, June 5, 2009

101 Ways To Cope With Stress

101 Ways to Cope with Stress
1. Get up 15 minutes earlier
You always worry about getting to work on time. Get up earlier
that you usually do and you won’t have to worry anymore.
2. Prepare for the morning the night before
Before you go to bed at night, get your clothes ready. Lay them out.
Get your lunch ready, make a list of things you need to do and stick
to it.
3. Avoid tight fitting clothes
They make you feel uncomfortable and they make you look fat. You
will be miserable the entire day.
4. Avoid relying on chemical aids
You don’t need chemicals. All you need to do is laugh more.
Remember, laugh more, and live longer. It’s that simple.
5. Set appointments ahead
Don’t wait till the last minute to make an appointment. Make it
ahead of time to prepare for it and give time to cancel it in case
something comes up.
6. Don't rely on your memory ... write it down
Always write it down. Keep a notebook or cassette with you and all
times. If you rely on memory, you will never remember it.
7. Practice preventive maintenance
Go to the doctor on a regular schedule. Don’t drink. Don’t smoke.
Don’t eat fast foods. These are just a few of the preventive
maintenance things you can do to stay healthy.
8. Make duplicate keys
Just in case you can’t find your main set of keys or in case you lose
them. There is nothing more stressing than being late for
something and you can’t find your keys.
1. Say "no" more often
It’s okay to say it. Go ahead, open your mouth and say “No” to that
Big Mac or those fries or that chocolate shake. Say “No” to illegal
drugs and anything else that can harm you. It’s okay.
2. Set priorities in your life
You need priorities. Set them and stick to them and everyday, work
to meet those priorities. And if they change over time, that’s okay.
The priorities that I had ten years ago don’t even exist in my life
3. Avoid negative people
Who wants to hang around negative people? No one, that’s who.
They will only bring you down and you can do that on your own,
you don’t need help from someone else. Avoid negative people at
all costs, even if they’re your friends. Get new friends.
4. Use time wisely
Time management is very important. You will be amazed at how
much you can accomplish if you just learn to manage your time.
People always say, “I don’t have enough time to do all the things I
need to do.” You have as much time as everyone else, 24-hours.
Use it wisely.
5. Simplify meal times
Why make meal time a hassle? Simplify it and make it bearable. Fix
things in advance and then freeze them. Don’t wait till the last
minute and then make a large meal. It will stress you out.
6. Always make copies of important papers
Just in case the original ones are lost or destroyed or the dog eats
them. You should always have copies. And keep a backup of all
your internet files in case it crashes.
7. Anticipate your needs
Figure out what it is you need. Is it more money? Love, A new
house? What are your needs? Anticipate them and then you won’t
have so much trouble meeting them.
16. Repair anything that doesn't work properly
Don’t let it stay broken. Fix it and get on with your life. No matter
what it is, fix it. You will feel a lot better afterwards.
17. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
Don’t be afraid to just ask. It’s really okay. If there is someone else
who knows more about it than you do, ask them for help. You learn
by asking. Better yet, look at it as a challenge rather than a job.
18. Break large tasks into bite size portions
It’s much easier if you do it thins way. If it’s a large task it will seem
impossible to undertake unless you break it down into small size
19. Look at problems as challenges
Challenges are what make life interesting. They’re what make life
worth living. People will never know how far they can go in life if
they don’t just get up off the couch and challenge themselves to do
it. Challenge yourself to try something you’ve never tried before.
You will get a lot of satisfaction out of the fact that you tried and
succeeded. And if you don’t succeed, try again.
20. Look at challenges differently
If you try something and don’t succeed, try it a different way next
time. All you need is another idea, a new way to do it. Don’t ever
give up.
21. Un-clutter your life
You life is way too cluttered. Get rid of all the stuff you don’t need.
Get rid of all the things that are keeping you down. Get rid of all the
people who are giving you bad advice and not appreciating what
you’re doing and trying to do.
22. Smile
You would be amazed at how far a smile will go. And mean it when
you smile. Don’t put on a fake smile, give them a real one. You will
never smile at someone and not get a smile back. Smiles show
confidence, smiles show attitude and attitude is everything.
23. Be prepared for rain
It’s going to rain from time to time. If it rains on your parade, be
prepared for it. Don’t let it take you by surprise. Don’t let it get you
down. You’re not the only one that it rains on. Remember that.
24. Tickle a baby
It will do your heart good to tickle a baby; to hear it giggle, to hear
it coo; to see the smile on its face. It will help you to remember that
life is all about the little things. You can’t be stressed out when you
have baby in your arms.
25. Pet a friendly dog/cat
Dogs and cats are put on this earth for our enjoyment. Treat them
nicely, pet them, talk to them; take them for a walk. Make them
your friend. You will be a better person for it.
26. Don't know all the answers
You don’t know everything, don’t act like you do and don’t expect
to. There are some things you just don’t have an answer for. Live
with it.
27. Look for a silver lining
A pessimist looks at life as a dark cloud inside every silver lining.
Am optimist looks at every dark cloud as having a silver lining
around it. Which one are you going to be? Which one are you now?
28. Say something nice to someone
When is the last time you said something nice to someone and
really meant it? Say something nice to a stranger, to your coworkers,
to your boss; to your wife. Say it and mean it. It will go a
long way.
29. Teach a kid to fly a kite
I did this with my son just recently and it was great. It did us both a
lot of good. We got quality time together. I wasn’t stressed out
after. How can you be stressed when you’re teaching your kid to fly
a kite?
30. Walk in the rain
Cleanse your soul with a walk in the rain. It’s actually good for you.
And take someone else with you if you like. I don’t mean a
thunderstorm, but a nice rain cloud overhead. Try it, you’ll like it.
31. Schedule play time into every day
You need to play more. Work is fine, but if you work all the time
and don’t play you will become very boring to your kids, your
spouse and your friends. You need to schedule time to play. Go to
the park, play on the monkey bars. Be a kid again.
32. Take a bubble bath
There are few things in life that are more relaxing than a bubble
bath. And if you take it with someone that you like it’s even more
fun. I like to add rubber ducks and plastic boats in my bubble bath.
33. Be aware of the decisions you make
Don’t make a decision too quick. Be aware of the decision you
make and stick to it.
34. Believe in yourself
If you don’t believe in yourself how can you expect anyone else to
believe in you? Believe in yourself and believe in what you’re
35. Stop saying negative things to yourself
You are what you think and if you keep saying negative things like,
“I can’t do it” or “This is too hard for me”, then guess what? You
will never do it and it will always be too hard.
36. Visualize yourself winning
If you visualize yourself as a winner you will actually become a
winner. Remember, you are what you think. Think of yourself as a
winner. Visualize yourself as a winner and win.
37. Develop your sense of humor
You were born with a sense of humor. Develop it, use it, and make
it a part of who you are. People like to be around those who make
them laugh.
38. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
Today is ma better day. Remember that. Tomorrow never comes.
It’s always a day away. (I heard that in a song somewhere.) Today
is the first day of the rest of your life, why not make it the best day?
39. Have goals for yourself
Set goals and stick to them. Have big goals and set little goals to
meet the big ones. All successful people have goals.
40. Dance a jig
Do you know what a jig is? Actually, it doesn’t matter. Just dance
and you will feel better. Dance at the office. Grab the secretary and
just start dancing. Be spontaneous, make people go, “Wow, what
got into him?”
41. Say "hello" to a stranger
It’s okay to speak to strangers. That’s how they become friends.
Say, “hello” to everyone you meet on the street today. Just try it
and count how many people who say, “Hello” back. And feel sorry
for the ones who don’t say it.
42. Ask a friend for a hug
Next to a bubble bath is hug is the best thing you can get of give.
Make it a policy to have everyone at the office hug each other at
least once a day. I did this at a radio station I once worked for and
it helped make us number one because we were all closer to one
43. Look up at the stars
It never ceases to amaze me at how many people die everyday and
never looked up at the night sky and star gazed. They put on a
spectacular show just about every night yet we take it for granted.
Go outside tonight, look up and jut enjoy the show.
44. Practice breathing slowly
This is one of the steps to meditation. Breathe slowly. Breathe in
for a count of seven and breathe out for a count of ten. You will feel
better after you do it. It’s amazing.
45. Learn to whistle a tune
This one can be a littler hard, especially if you can’t whistle like me,
but I try anyway and I’m getting better at it. I love to whistle Beatles
tunes. They make me feel so much better.
46. Read a poem
There are so many positive poems. Read one every day. Write a
poem of your own. It’s not hard, really. Write one to your spouse
and give it to them next Valentine’s Day. It will do wonders for
your relationship.
47. Listen to a symphony
Music soothes the savage beast. Listen to a symphony, even if you
don’t like symphony. I listen to Mozart at night when I’m in bed. I
fall to sleep right away. Try it.
48. Watch a ballet
I don’t like ballet, but I tried watching one once and I was actually
stress-free at the end. Besides, I wanted to see how they dance on
their toes like that. That takes talent. I can’t do it. Can you?
49. Read a story curled up in bed
There are lots of good books out there. Read one a week while
listening to a symphony. It’s relaxing.
50. Do a brand new thing
Try something new. Have you ever wanted to go sky diving, white
water rafting, skiing, a canoe trip down a lazy river? Just do it.
Make it a plan to try it before the end of the next month. Make it a
51. Stop a bad habit
I know it’s not easy to give up smoking or drinking and taking
drugs or whatever other bad habit you may have, but if you put
your mind to it, you can do it and you will feel better because of it.
Those bad habits are part of the reason you’re stressed. They’re not
part of the solution.
52. Buy yourself a flower
You deserve it. You buy flowers for other people. Why not buy one
for yourself. Or better yet, buy a plant, put it in the ground and
watch it grow. Do something good for yourself and the Earth.
53. Take time to small the flowers
Just like staring at a starlight night, you need to take time to stop
and smell the flowers. It’s not all about work.
54. Find support from others
You need friends. You need support from them. Offer then support
and ask for support. Support one another. It will bring you closer.
55. Ask someone to be your "vent-partner"
I have no idea what this one means, but it sounds good so I added it
to the list. Just ask someone to be your partner period.
56. Do it today
Don’t procrastinate. Today is as good as any day to get it done.
Remember, tomorrow, never comes, it’s always today. So do it
57. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
It’s a shame that you have to work on this but being optimistic takes
work especially when we live in such a negative world. Don’t be like
everyone else. Be the ray of hope that everyone looks for.
58. Put safety first
Safety is always important in everything you do. For example,
when you go boating, make sure everyone has a life jacket. And
have a life jacket for the beer cooler, too. Always be prepared.
59. Do everything in moderation
Don’t overdo it. Drink in moderation, play in moderation, work in
moderation. Do everything in moderation and you will live a
stress-free life.
60. Pay attention to your appearance
If you look like crap in the mirror in the morning, then you will
look like crap to everyone else as well. Pay attention to how you
look. Does your outfit match, is your hair in place, did you shave?
All these things matter. If you’re going to be successful you must
look successful.
61. Strive for Excellence NOT perfection
You don’t have to be perfect, just be excellent. Do your best and be
happy with the outcome.
62. Stretch your limits a little each day
Try a little harder each do to do better. This is especially good
when exercising. Each day walk a little farther, do one more sit up,
do one more leg lift. Stretch your limits each day and you will get in
shape a lot quicker.
63. Look at a work of art
Going to an art museum is a great way to reduce stress. It’s quiet, it
relaxing and it’s beautiful.
64. Hum a jingle
Any jingle, even the ones you hate. Just hum one jingle all day and
by the end of the day, everyone around you will be humming the
same jingle. It’s better than thinking of a stressful situation.
65. Maintain your weight
This one is a hard one, but if you stretch your limits each day while
working out, and watch what you eat you can do it. Say, “No” to
fast food and hello to vegetables.
66. Plant a tree
Do yourself and the planet some good, plant a tree and watch it
grow. It’s even more fun if you get your children involved.
67. Feed the birds
Put a bird feeder in the tree in your yard. And make sure they have
food in it everyday. There are few sounds as relaxing as a bird
chirping. Get close to nature.
68. Practice grace under pressure
Learn how not to snap under pressure. Keep your cool, stay calm and
you will be alright. You can handle it. Just keep telling yourself that.
69. Stand up and stretch
Stretch your arms, your legs, your back, your neck; stretch your
entire body. It will feel great. Stress causes you to tense up. Stretch
and end the stress.
70. Always have a plan "B"
Never have just a plan ‘A’. You need a plan ‘B’ in case ‘A’ doesn’t work.
All good business people have a plan ‘B’. It’s just good business sense.
71. Learn a new doodle
Get a pad and start doodling. You have creative ideas when you
doodle. Doodling is fun and shows creativity. Become a doodling fool.
72. Memorize a joke
Memorize a joke a day, just to tell the folks at work. When you make
them smile or laugh, you make their day and they remember that.
They will find themselves looking forward to seeing you each day.
73. Be responsible for your feelings
They’re your feelings and you are responsible for them so make sure
they’re good feelings.
74. Learn to meet your own needs
You can do it. Meet your own needs. Help others, but help yourself,
too. Meet others needs but don’t forget you.
75. Become a better listener
That was one of the great things about Johnny Carson. He was a good
listener. That’s one of the good things about Oprah. She knows how to
listen. You don’t learn from talking. You learn from listening.
76. Know your limitations and let others know them, too
Know just how far you can and will go and make sure the people
around you know how far you can and will go also. It’s always nice to
know your limitations, but others need to know them too.
77. Tell someone to have a good day in pig Latin
Everyone needs to speak Pig Latin every once in a while. If the other
person doesn’t get it, that’s okay. It will give them something to
ponder for the rest of the day.
78. Throw a paper airplane
Just don’t throw it at someone and don’t hurt anyone with it. Making
paper airplanes are fun. It brings out the kid in you.
79. Exercise every day
If you want to live a healthy, happy and long life you need to exercise
everyday. Get out of the house, walk around the neighborhood, meet
your neighbors; invite them to walk with you. Make it a group thing.
80. Learn the words to a new song
Just make sure it’s a good song. Don’t learn the words to say, “Who
Let The Dogs Out?” that will get on everyone’s nerves including yours.
81. Get to work early
It’s one of the quickest ways to getting a raise. Show up early and the
boss will begin to notice that you care about your job.
82. Clean out one closet
Go ahead, clean it out. Get rid of all those clothes that you will never
get into again. They’re taking up precious space. When you lose all
that weight from exercising and eating right, you can buy new clothes.
83. Play patty cake with a toddler
It’s not only fun but it’s also stress-relieving. Being around children is
always a stress-reliever. Play patty cake, sing children’s songs, play
children’s games. be a child again yourself.
84. Go on a picnic
When is the last time you went on a picnic. Pack the basket, take the
family to a nice, quiet spot under a big oak tree and have a picnic. And
make sure you bring enough food for the ants.
85. Take a different route to work
Just to break the monoty. Take a different route to work. It will do
you good. Have different routes; route ‘A’, route ‘B’, route ‘C’’.
86. Leave work early (with permission)
This one you can do once in awhile. Ask to leave early. After all, you’re
getting to work earlier so you shouldn’t have any problem leaving
early say, once every two or three months.
87. Put air freshener in your car
Your car probably stinks anyway from all the food you’ve eaten in it.
Put some air freshener in it to get rid of all the odors that you can’t
smell but everyone else can.
88. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
Eat popcorn with lots of butter. I know butter isn’t good for you, but if
you’ve come this far and done everything you deserve a reward. Enjoy
your buttered popcorn and be sure to watch a funny movie.
89. Write a note to a far away friend
Or write a letter. Let them know you’re thinking about them. They will
be glad to hear from you. They will be touched that you thought of
90. Go to a ball game and scream
Scream until you’re hoarse. You will be exhausted when the game is
over and your stress will be gone.
91. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight
Better yet, eat it out on the porch under the stars. Candlelight is nice,
but a star lit sky is much better and just as romantic.
92. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
I realize it everyday when I’m around my two sons. Unconditional
love is the best kind of love there is. Realize it and practice it. You will
be a better person for it.
93. Remember that stress is an attitude
It’s an attitude that you don’t need. It’s a negative attitude. Are you
going to start your day with a positive attitude or a negative attitude?
The choice is yours.
94. Keep a journal
This one is very important. Keep a journal and write down everything
that you see hear or read that means something to you. Whether is
something you heard someone say in a speech, on TV, radio or read in
the newspaper. It may be a poem or a joke or word of wisdom. I keep
a journal with me everywhere I go. I don’t write in it everyday. But I
do put things in it that mean something to me.
95. Practice a monster smile
Don’t just smile, learn how to give a monster smile. Make people say,
“Boy, that Bob sure does have a great smile.”
96. Remember you always have options
As long as you know you have options you know you’re going to be
alright. There are always options for every situation.
97. Have a support network of people, places and things
Keep in touch with people who are better at things than you are. And
learn from them. If you want to be a great tennis player, play
someone who is better than you. If you want a great marriage,
befriend a couple who’s been married longer than you and ask them
what their secret is. And write their answer down in your journal
when you get home.
98. Quit trying to fix other people
You have enough on your hands trying to fix yourself right now. Never
mind the others. That’s what psychologists are for. Make sure you’re
alright before you try to go and fix someone else.
99. Get enough sleep
Go to be ad the same time every night and wake up at the same time
every morning. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night.
The body will give out quicker over lack of sleep than it will over lack
of food. Remember that.
100. Talk less and listen more
No one wants to hear you talk. They want to talk. People love to talk
about themselves. So be quiet and let them. And they will like you and
appreciate you for it. It’s a psychological thing.
101. Freely praise other people
It doesn’t hurt to praise someone for doing a good job, even if they’re
a complete stranger. Praise them for a job well done and they will be a
stranger no longer. They will be a friend.
102. Work on making your self better not your job
This is the best piece of advice I’ve ever heard. It came from Jim
Rohn. This one will change your life. If you make your job better you
will get a paycheck. If you make yourself better you will get rich.
Always learn. Always read. Always work on making yourself better.
I’m back in college at 59-years old. I’m bettering myself. I feel good
because of it. I’m always learning. I’m always making a better person.
Knowledge is power.