Friday, February 20, 2009

Secrets To A Successful Business

I don't like motivational speakers. I am always refered to as one and it bothers me. All they do is get in front of people, quote a bunch of famous dead people, get you all psyched up and an hour later, you're back down to normal. What good did they do, none.

I like to give people something they can put to use right now to make their lives better.

I saw a motivational speaker a couple of months ago who began his speech with, "I'm going to give you 10 secrets to a successful business." I thought, "Holy crap. There are 10 secrets?"

There are over 3000 books on that include the line 'secrets to a successful business.'

There are no secrets. There is only one thing you need to remember to have a successful business. You want to know what that one thing is? Here you go - Be Honest. That's it. Just be honest with your customers and they will come back again and again. And they will refer other people to you.

Our country is in the shape its in today because of dishonesty. Banks are closing everyday because no one has faith in them anymore. They cheated their customers to make a quick buck and now they're paying for it.

I've lost faith in my bank, haven't you?

The stock market is going down hill because people have lost faith in wall street. They cheated us to make a quick buck. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.

Our government - well, our government has always cheated us. That's why we don't have faith in politicians.

Just be honest. That's all it takes to have a successful business. If you're honest you will have customers, loyal customers and you will always be in business.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Out Of Work? Try These 10 Things

1.Get involved in volunteer work. Check out the local non profit organizations and help out at the one you like best. I’m involved in United Way and March of Dimes.

2. Go back to college. Community colleges are everywhere. They’re affordable and offer great careers. There may be one just for you.

3. Volunteer at your children’s school. They always need people to help out.

4. Work on your blog or start one. They’re fun and people do read them.

5. Update your website or start to put one together. Everybody needs a website.

6. Write a book. We all have a book in us. You have one in you right now. What has happened in your life that someone would like to read about?

7. Volunteer at the local Senior Center. They have tons of things you can do and you get a great deal of satisfaction doing it. I’m currently planning on putting together a Laugh Therapy Class at the Senior Center in my hometown.

8. Update your resume.

9. Check the local papers for job openings.

10. Change your appearance. If you have a beard, shave it off. If you dress in jeans, try a suit & tie. If you have the same hair-do you did last year, try something different.

Just because you’re not working for money, doesn’t mean you don’t have to work. When I’m not being paid to speak or do comedy shows, I speak for free to Rotary Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs and Civitans and Lions Clubs. And I sometimes get a paid engagement from it.

By doing volunteer work, someone, the right person, might just see you and offer you work. By doing volunteer work shows you’re willing to put forth the extra effort and it just may help you land that new job. You never know. Go ahead, challenge yourself to do it and see what happens.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What To Do With You Free Time

So, are you one of the chosen few who are out of a job due to the sagging economy, the Great, Great depression?

Oh, I know they call it a recession, but believe me, when this many people are out of work it’s a depression, a great, great depression, greater than the depression of the 30’s.

It’s greater because this time we’re going to have a really difficult time getting out of it. The whole world is in a depression this time, not just America. You see, boys and girls, this is where greed will land you. Remember that.

So what are you going to do with all that time you have right now, go looking for a job? I hate to tell you, but there are no jobs out there, so you’re wasting your time looking.

Well, here is an idea, why not go to college. It’s easier than you think. Community colleges are everywhere. I’m sure there is one near you. They’re cheaper than regular colleges, they offer careers in several fields and you can probably get financial aid or maybe even a grant to pay for it.

I’m going to the community college in my county here in North Carolina to get my associates degree. I’m going on a grant and when I graduate I will be able to enter college ad a sophomore and continue my education. I’m going for a Masters Degree in psychology.

It’s a long shot, but I have nothing else to do right now. Speaking gigs aren’t coming my way like they used to and besides, how do I know if I can get the degree or not if I don’t try?

You will never know how far in life you can go if you don’t get off your butt and try.

This is the only life you have; don’t die with the music still in you. When you’re lying on your deathbed and your life is flashing before your eyes, I want you to see all the things you accomplished, not just a blank screen.

Make the best of your off time, go to your local community college and at least talk to an advisor. You may find something that you like.