Friday, February 20, 2009

Secrets To A Successful Business

I don't like motivational speakers. I am always refered to as one and it bothers me. All they do is get in front of people, quote a bunch of famous dead people, get you all psyched up and an hour later, you're back down to normal. What good did they do, none.

I like to give people something they can put to use right now to make their lives better.

I saw a motivational speaker a couple of months ago who began his speech with, "I'm going to give you 10 secrets to a successful business." I thought, "Holy crap. There are 10 secrets?"

There are over 3000 books on that include the line 'secrets to a successful business.'

There are no secrets. There is only one thing you need to remember to have a successful business. You want to know what that one thing is? Here you go - Be Honest. That's it. Just be honest with your customers and they will come back again and again. And they will refer other people to you.

Our country is in the shape its in today because of dishonesty. Banks are closing everyday because no one has faith in them anymore. They cheated their customers to make a quick buck and now they're paying for it.

I've lost faith in my bank, haven't you?

The stock market is going down hill because people have lost faith in wall street. They cheated us to make a quick buck. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.

Our government - well, our government has always cheated us. That's why we don't have faith in politicians.

Just be honest. That's all it takes to have a successful business. If you're honest you will have customers, loyal customers and you will always be in business.

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